Working With Dara

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Spiritual awakening is the natural process of moving beyond the personal me-sense into post-personal stages of development. It is not reserved for the few nor is it even that uncommon. (For example, many direct students of both Osho and Maharishi alive today are highly awake.) However, it is an embodied and relational process, and we’re products of a highly disembodied and relationally stunted (confused, codependent, failing, dysfunctional, traumatic, etc.) time in human society. 

And yet, we are also in a time when many people are waking up to who and what we truly are. Despite our human confusion and density, reality prevails.

As Penny Gill, quoting the great Tibetan deity Manjurshi says. “Consciousness is born out of relatedness.” Fundamentally, we must learn to relate with ourselves and how to have healthy, holistic relations with others. This is the only comprehensive path to healing and spiritual awakening that I am aware of. This means we must learn to deeply feel and know our direct experience, purify and mature our embodiment, and let go of (enough of) what we have carried, which keeps us locked into the story of the separate, little “ME”.

I support people along this journey because it is what I know and have lived directly. I approach it as a fundamentally embodied (or “somatic” - feeling-based) endeavor. The bodymind and nervous system are an incredibly intricate and sophisticated form of intelligence, which inherently tends toward Wholeness. The more we understand and trust this intelligence, by relating with it, the more liberated and Whole we can become.

Most people I work with already have a spiritual practice of some kind and have an ability to observe or witness their direct experience. This includes an ability to easily drop into and work with the felt sense - that is, feeling safe enough in their bodies to go towards and simply allow the experiencing of feelings, sensations, and emotions as they arise.

If you're struggling with fundamental root safety or dissociation, I recommend starting elsewhere and returning when you feel safer to freely allow what's arising. The Prism Collection can also be highly supportive of cultivating trust in your direct experience.

My intention is to share with you a field of Pure Presence and refined capacities of subtle perception in order to gently invite you into deeply encountering yourself (again, relating with yourself) in order to remove the blocks to expansion, awakening, and knowing reality. The intention is that overtime this becomes a practice you can self-facilitate.

Mainly, I offer a context that has three uniquely supportive qualities that you can benefit from and work with directly:

  1. I offer a vast, clear, unbounded field of Pure Presence for your bodymind and nervous system to be met by and held in. This is relevant both during our session time and as an opportunity for entrainment - enabling you to cultivate more peace and expansiveness in your own direct experience, ongoingly and effortlessly over time.

    People find they are able to go much deeper into themselves while sitting in this field of pure presence, enabling healing and connection with the deepest levels of their being. (If you don't feel this field or resonate with it, then I encourage you to find someone or something else that lends you a healing presence that you actually feel directly - not as an idea. This is hugely important.)

  2. Additionally, I offer the combined gifts of clarity, perception, and articulation, which are both spiritual gifts, as well as, sensing capacities that I've cultivated, trained, and honed for over two decades. This shows up primarily in two ways: Firstly, I am able to put a wide variety of experiences - many of which are hard to articulate and/or occurring beyond the confines of typical concrete materiality (e.g. mystical, subtle, multidimensional, spiritual, unusual/strange, quantum, not bound by time and space, etc.) - into language that enables people to better understand and connect more readily with what's happening. In other words, I can help people make sense of their experience because I can both feel it alongside them and give labels and a frame for understanding what/why it is occurring (this also helps to bring the mind along).

    Secondly, I am also able to offer, through refined perception and subtle sensing, the impressions I'm receiving in real time, which enable more access to layers or dimensions of what's getting worked on. This enables us to get to the root cause or karmic seed level much more quickly and effectively.

  3. Finally, I both understand and have intimately lived the process of clearing, purifying, and completing the karma stored at each layer of Creation in terms of the personal embodiment (and have been working for years now at the collective level as well). I have a highly grounded, integrated, and attuned nervous system with very little density, fear, incompletion, or separation lurking. Nothing that could arise in your experience is off-limits, taboo, or a place where I can't join you.

    Through my own process I've come to understand how the planes of reality are stacked upon each other and how the sheaths (koshas) or layers covering over pure Awareness (and unmanifest Wholeness) both obscure reality and can be laden with separation (and energetic sludge). In our work together, we aim to clear those layers and restore the system to Wholeness by allowing those aspects of separation to arise and self-liberate.

Together, we refine an approach that you can fully own and learn to conduct on and with yourself, so you can continue your process outside of sessions. I am here to support you to fully claim self-responsibility and sovereignty in maturing your own self-healing and life-affirming capacities. This is of crucial importance on the path of healing and spiritual awakening. Ultimately, you are your own teacher, guide, and guru.

Thank you for thinking about inviting me into your process. Please schedule an Initial Discovery Call to ask any questions or get a feel for what it's like to sit together.

Book One-on-One Sessions

Initial Discovery Call (30-Minutes)

Schedule an initial 30-minute Discovery Call with Dara to sense and connect, and ask any questions you might have. If you're totally new here, please schedule this call before scheduling anything else. "Click" for more information.


Knowing Self (45-Minutes)

This is a 45-minute 1:1 talking session exploring whatever it is that you’re needing support with along your healing and spiritual path. I offer a grounded, supportive, and open relational field free of unhelpful power dynamics.

$108 (Sliding Scale)

Renee Piazza, Mother, Facilitator & Mindfulness Guide

“Thank you again for a wonderful session today. The physical sensation of peace in my body is delicious. I feel balanced and I am memorizing this feeling, and it is also further reinforcing the importance of staying in this energy work with you to be fully available for my assignment on this earth. Thank you again, I am feeling into a new balance and heading outside now to put my feet on the earth."

Money is a form of Energy

Consider your intention and the energy you're bringing to your monetary choices. The place from which you're operating conditions your experience. The clearer and cleaner you are with your energy, the better. Be true to you.

If you would like to work with Dara 1:1 and are unable to afford the rates listed, please get in touch to request a discount or sliding scale option.